Story 209

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All through elementary school I was made fun of. Sometimes, it was stupid things like weird things I'd say and sometimes it was appearance based.

In kindergarten, there was a kid who would harass me everyday on the bus. He'd hit me, kick me and jump on me. It got so bad that I'd ask my friends to hide me everyday on the bus and I'd run from him whenever I saw him. It turns out though, that bullying me was his twisted way of telling me he liked me.

In second grade, my classmates made fun of the size of my nose (I'm black), my lips and my hair. Funnily enough, it was a predominantly black school and the kids who made fun of me were indeed black.

From third grade to fifth grade, people made fun of my personality. They would make fun of me, ignore me, publicly exclude me. And I never really got the hint. I always thought they were joking and I still wanted to be their friends. And they actually hated me for no reason. But I changed schools and never saw those people again

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