Story 410

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|Tell him anything an I would seriously hurt you! I don't know what your problem is, but I highly suggest you get it right. BOY1 is the only person I can trust and your trying to pry that from my fragile hands, I just want to why! What have I've done to you, I thought you were my friend. Is being cruel just running in your veins? I honestly don't even know are "friendship" is real. Friends don't call each other a bitch, a whore, a slut, a nobody. Why why all I ask you why do you want to hurt me! Cutting so deep into me, leave permanent scars that cannot be healed. Everything you do crushes me in your path of destruction. Why are you this way, why are you pretending to be someones puppet! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You are so much better than this BOY2, you have a true heart of gold, under your cast of darkness. Your word cut deeper than knifes. Whore, bitch, slut...what's next a nigga? Everything around is cast of darkness, coldness, and your words. Try crying yourself to sleep every night. I miss the old you! You were so kind, and selfless person. Now, it's a completely different story. Congrats on being the worlds biggest liar, manipulator, despiteful, selfish, insecure, irrelevant, basic bitch. A gold of heart, is only given to the most blessed of people. You use it to hurt others, pretend to be their friend so you can crush their fragile, sweet, innocent, beautiful self being for your own happiness. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hmmm you well that includes being one of a kind...there is nobody like you BOY2. Nowhere on Earth there's a person who can stand you. Playing with my emotions is something that kills. Tease tease tease threat threat threat "bitch I might be" "your just a attention whore". Think of the things you say, do they hurt you? Walk closer to facts of what your true destiny is. BOY2 you are a troubled, caring person trapped inside your own games. You don't hurt anybody that I've noticed, just me...always me. Walking is hard, breathing, sitting in the dark, not wanting to live, cut, fail, submerged, fall, crumble, break, disappear all because of your actions gives results to this! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Are you happy with yourself! This is not what God intended on. Days, months, years go by with me thinking over over and over of what one nobody's opinion about me. I'm not strong I'm a weak soul stuck on this planet. Strong is build of leadership, but only yours is built of of pain. The thing about pain is that it can't be hidden forever, its demands to felt. We all break, only some break to so soon leading to depression of a early life. I'm actually surprised you haven't hurt me physically, or is that you next move? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The world is different in new eyes, horrible, breaking eyes. All they see is misery, fire, destruction, rebels, the end, pain, confusion, but most of you. A mask can cover the physical state, not the actual meaning of someone. I of all people wear a mask of joy every day, smile nod and keep walking to the end. Collapsed pieces of a misshaped girl are never meant to broken more than what has. Close your eyes for one second the your world is collapsing around you more than it has already. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Spin in the grassland, trying to relax and keep stress away. Only to creep back into your head two times as strong. Unnecessary use of profanity so you can get high in the clouds. All of its me fault, falling into your trap every single time, with one price. To be shattered once again. High in the clouds? More down low in the ground! My heart feels like it been drenched repeatedly in lava, my soul is on fire constantly, my mind is racked with the same question "why". Nothing about me works properly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Physically, emotionally, mentally, verbally all result in someone getting permanently damaged by one person. Live is no fun when a monster like you barge in a early life stage, to stay forever to cause pain. It's isn't life, it's surviving a living hell. I see you imprinted deeply in my eyelids, in my sleep, in my conscious state, everywhere, my heart beats fast with an already active headache. Not with excitement, but anger and fear. You call, you text wanting a quick release, makes my mouth dry, my eyes cloud over because I see my death everywhere. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Everything isn't what it seem obviously, I thought you'll be my best friend to life it self is over. Thinking your just a wonderful gift from heaven. Well...wasn't I wrong. I've always been jealous of your great grades, everyone's lover, awards, and misconception for a movie star. When I want to over power you, bring you down, be number one for once, I fail miserably. Tears racking my body. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You told me when we where little, "you will be my best friend". I guess I know what you say doesn't last forever. Your toothless smile made me feel safe. Now every time you smile is a devious wrong grin plastered on your pale face. I feel small around you, weak little girl who can't handle you. Kindergarten...I was just wanting a friend. Here you come by seemingly nice. "Hi, my name is BOY2" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I used to tell you that are friendship was to fragile to be broken by you. You never listened, all you did was make it worse. Sixth grade...I'm surprised I didn't die that year. Space and time seemed to stop when you waltzed towards me. The whole class made me believe that I did like you. So I went with it trying to get your lost in the world attention. It never worked, so I gave up like I do everything else.


I have experienced all types of bulling in my life.

I started getting bulled probably since Kindergarten by boys.

I'm mostly still bullied by a boy who really hurts me a lot.

I felt like it's better if I wasn't here to be just part of a game.

I told a few people, but they just told me to get over it.

And yes I'm still bullied for various things.

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