Story 232

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My bullying story is like no has its ups and downs. They didn't bully me for only 1 reason , it was more than that. I got bullied practically every day in elementary. I didn't quite understand english at the time . So my only language was spanish. They'd tell me I'd never be able to acomplish anything in life. Not even Albert Einstein could help me.I ignored the comets at first. But imagine day after day being picked on. It was too much to handle for a little 1st grader . The comments kept going...they'd bully for my clothing, the way I act, how I talked, what I did, my family, etc. Nothing about me was good enough for them... I never told anybody, I was to embarrassed . I was afraid that if I told one person I'd just keep going on forever. It got to the point where I had enough! I changed technically everything about me... I tried so hard so that people would like me. Of course my mom noticed. She asked why, I said nothing at all.. i should've known she'd do something. Not too long later my mom got a phone call from a school... they had accepted me. I was furious at my mom! I had finally fit in somewhere ... I made up so many excuses not to go. It got to the point where I made her put me into a extra class ( the learning center ) it was meant for kids with disabilities or that were from foreign countries, that needed the most help possible . I don't know why... I mean I had all A's, I was in GT (gifted and talented) and had the opportunity to skip a grade three times in a row ( although i didn't skip any grades for personal reasons) so I went on with my life.. i didn't know anybody but I managed to handle myself. Until now I ignore all comets made. And I'm so happy with myself . I don't need anyone's approval to be faboulus! I already am and so are you! I know this is what everyone sais , but trust me ...

it does get better...You will manage to get through it!

Your beautiful just the way you are! You don't need makeup to cover that beauty ! Don't let anyone tell you who to be! Be yourself ... that's the only way I like it😍👌

this was my story...

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