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Alright my bullying story isn't just about classmates, it's about family aswell.

When I was 7 my parents broke up. My mum had just had cancer and gave birth to my little sister. (She survived)

My step dad moved in. At first we didn't talk just smiled, until we moved. I started going to my third school.

Time flew by and it got serious in year five. My step dad started screaming at me. I remember everyday being called every rude/swearing name, I learnt a lot of them. He had also thrown stuff at me.

He would always make not funny jokes. Like one time we as in my mum step dad and stuff were driving and passed one of those vans for disabled people. He said oh we should get that for *my name* she'll get to school faster. And he kept on calling me a retard.

During that time I was getting bullied at school. I liked this guy and he liked me back-(we are still together)-it seemed like the whole school knew.

I would get cornered and teased I was hit and that just continued. Then in year six luckily I was in a different class and friendship group.

But yet again the bullying started up again And a boy would get into arguments with me and then started hitting me and shoving me. Sometimes I tried standing up for myself but being a weak little girl I couldn't.

Not long after that I was diagnosed with depression. No one knew and I didn't want anyone to know.

It lasted a while and I started cutting myself. People at school always gave me glares and said what's wrong. What was I meant to say?

I was still getting bullied tilled I stood up for myself and against the teachers and against my family.

My dad would tease me and we never had a good relationship.

So I just stood up against it all. Things got a but better and I wast depressed.

But again (sort for being so repetitive it's just true) I was depressed again. And still am.

I'm depressed

I have OCD

I have anxiety/panic attacks

And get lots if mental breakdowns.

My boyfriend helped me and tore me. My bff laughed when I told her I cut myself. And my sisters always called me a slut.

I'm still suffering, and don't know what to do. Soon I'm gonna give in but idk when. I'm lost hurt and need someone I don't know to talk to . But I can't tell my parents that I need someone without telling them this.

And I guess Ieft out a lot of info so sorry. Just hang in there guys <3

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