Story 224

443 14 4

hey, so this is my story..where to begin

I moved to a new area for seventh grade. I'm thirteen now and let me tell you, brand new middle school, seventh was tough. I was the "new kid" I made friends pretty easily but then I got into a lot of the social media like Instagram, kik normal stuff...and I began to get messages about me being a emo freak, or how I'm an attention whore, stuff like that. I went to school on a normal day and a girl rammed me into a locker and pushed my books to the ground and called me vivid names. Every one laughed..even my "friends" nobody cared..nobody helped.

I felt worthless, went "suicidal" took pills word got out became school joke once again.

I managed to find my best friend..he's amazing..after a month or so we started our relationship and he made me the happiest girl ever and we've been in a long distance relationship for almost three months.

It gets better I know for a fact even if u don't have a knight in shining armor..HANG IN THERE!!!!


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