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(This one will be quite long) When I first started school in kindergarten at my elementary school, I always played by myself. I always had no one to play with and usually did everything on my own until I met a girl that hung out with me occasionally. It wasn't until the end of kindergarten year do I recall finally playing with other children. And then the bullying started in 1st grade.

There was this girl who was the daughter of my mom's best friend, she went to the same school as I and I didn't know she existed until she started making me follow her around. I didn't wish it want to but she forced me to, when I finally told her that I wanted to hang out with other people she made sure that no one wanted to be friends with me. The only people I had was the girl from kindergarten and a boy classmate, who the girl introduced me to. Whenever my bully saw me hanging out with them she immediately came and shooed them off saying I was her only friend and they needed to leave and whenever they did leave she would run off and leave me alone. My friends always came back but this continued for another year. It wasn't until the middle of 2nd grade where the bullying got worst, that was the point where I found out I needed glasses.

I was excited and thought glasses were cool and I got to pick out those pretty pink glasses with butterflies. I was happy. I couldn't wait to get to school and show them off, I was a little worried that no one would like them but I was too excited for that to ruin my thoughts.

That next day my Bully saw I had glasses and immediately picked on me for it. She even got the whole class to join in on it, calling me "four-eyes" and other worse names. It was horrible, I remember running off to the bathroom and crying in the corner, my friends of course came and comforted me out of the bathroom and made me feel better. The class continued to make fun of my glasses too as the year went by. As days passed, I went to school dreading what will come throughout the day.

At the age of 6, most children gain some fat or weight, which shows that health is normal. At that age, I loved food. So I gained slightly more weight than the normal child, I was called fat, chubby and many other things. I absolutely hated it.

In third grade, the bullying was worse.

Not only did they target just me, they targeted my friends. With even worse insults than before. "You're fat!" "You're so ugly!" "Why do they hangout with her? She's so ugly and weird!" My friends stood with me until the end of 3rd grade when I moved schools because of my depression.

I went into fourth grade scared, nervous, and not sure what to expect. I was surprised to be welcomed with open arms. Everyone liked me, I wasn't weird. I wasn't ugly. I wasn't fat. I was looked exactly the same as everyone else. And even if I was, nobody told me that I was. I was happier there. Changing schools was the best thing that ever happened to me.

ADVICE: Things get better, they always do. Whether it's a day, a month or year. It'll get better, no matter what. Don't lose hope. :)

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