Submission 1038

408 13 2

Hey..... Um....

I'm 12 and a half....

I'm bullied.

My parents are currently divorcing and my mom committed adultery, she slept with another man. she gave me, my sister and brother to my dad saying she didn't want us..... She left us for beer.....

I'm 12 but I've witnessed my mom beat my dad, hurt him, heck she even abused me. But... Out of everything she did... I still love her.

In school I get called lesbian because I'm bisexual, a boy said to me on the bus that my mom hates me and that I'm dead to her... Out of everything they could say I didn't tell... But I did..... I'm now known as the cry baby in school.

Two years ago almost 3 years was the last time I was actually happy.

I've been talked about in school.

Used for un speakable stuff..... My ex forced me to do stuff.... I didn't want to do....

My story has barely any happy stuff... Mostly suffering.... But yet I'm still here, I've had times were I self harmed and tried to kill myself but I'm still here and I'll make sure I can try my best to become what I want.

ADVICE: If people use you, leave

If people tease you, tell someone 

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