Story 446

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Right I am the girl from story 342 and like you know I have been bullied 3 times before and I am going to share these with you. Ok here it go's.

Year 1-3

Right so I was in year 1 and this girl hated me. She used to call me names, she would hit me, kick me and turn friends agaisnt me. She would come up to me and call me names and when we were sat on the carpet she used to shuffle to me and kick me. I would tell the teachers and they would do nothing, I went to my mum and she went to the head master and told him but he said they have no bullying in the school. I rememeber I actually pretended to be ill so I could go home. My mum knew the reason and told the teacher. They still did nothing. In the end I was moved to another school because I was unhappy and was coming home everyday crying and with marks on my arms and legs.

Year 3-4

Ok when I moved schools I was picked on by this girl because I was new. So I came into school and she wouldn't let me do anything because I was the 'new girl'. She wouldn't call me by my real name it would always be 'new girl'. She got told of by the teacher and that stopped her for a while. This girl was really bossy and I don't liked being bossed around so I said. 'Stop being so bossy.' And then she made my life a living hell. She would call me names, disinclude me from games, push me, turned some of my friends agaisnt me. I tried so hard to ignore her. I tried so god damn hard but she was pushing me to the edge. I told my mum. She made complaints. The teachers told her off. She kept doing it. In the end I refused to go to school. I would cry myself to sleep. I thought there was something wrong with me. I have been builled twice by people. So my mum got involved. She actually threatend to take me out of school. So the teachers tried to stop her again. It made her worse. In the end my loyal friends protected me from her. They would tell her to leave me alone. I owe them so much.

Year 5-6

Ok this started from the start of year 5 to the end of year 6 so it was two years it happened. I was a year 5 and I thought that finally this year I would be able to enjoy myself and finally be myself and not be afraid of bullies. I was sooo wrong. I was asked out by this boy in year 3 and I said no. Well he is taller than me and I am 155 cm. So from that day onwards he called me so many goddamn names and he would push me agaisnt walls and would trip me over. I ignored him thinking he would get bored. I was wrong. For TWO years this went on. I told my mum. She would complain the teachers tried to stop him. He wouldn't listen. He kept pushing me to the limit. Sometimes when he would call him names I would call him names back but then he would tell on me and I would get into trouble. My friends told me to ignore him. I tried. He kept on and on. He pushed me to depression. I didn't want to go to school. Faked being ill. My mum saw the changes. How I wouldn't eat and my lack in enthusiasm. She tried to cheer me up and tried to help but I couldn't be helped. I was too sad. At play times I would hide in the toilets and cry. My teachers tried to stop him but he couldn't be stopped. Then when I left school in year 6 I was finally happy. I was leaving and I wouldn't ever see him again.

I would like to tell you something. To everyone being builled out there: Don't stop. Don't stop trying to stop them. Don't hate yourself. Who ever you are, keep fighting. You are stronger than the bullies you just got to keep going. Please. Carry on. Carry on smiling and making friends. Don't let the bullies win.

My name is kitkatcrunchies123 and if you need help I am here. Thanks for reading x

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