Submission 561

270 9 3

What type of bullying have you experienced? 

'I have had Cyberbullying, teasing, name calling, and Physical and sexual abuse.' 

How old were you when the bullying started? 

'It started when I first moved in grade 3.' 

Who bullied you? 

'I didn't show my true self when I first moved so I had some 'friends' but then I showed my true self and they started calling me names and one even slapped me saying I was just jealous of her and the others because my family was flat broke poor and they actually had a house and that I was getting attention so the boys would notice me.' 

How did you feel while being bullied? 

'I felt like I didn't belong and I didn't. I felt like no one wanted me and since my parents were working full time so we could move out of my aunts house I couldn't tell them and I felt like I wasn't wanted.' 

How did you feel after being bullied?

'I don't know what it feels like because it is still happening.' 

Have you told anyone you know that you were bullied? 

'One person but then they told everyone that I was a cry baby because I was crying. What do you expect from a seven year old? I haven't told anyone else because after that I made myself be void of all emotion.' 

How long were you bullied? 

'On Halloween day it would be six years.' 

Are you still being bullied? 

'Yes I am but not that much since my brother made all attention go to him. He is getting it worse than me because he causes the fights and arguments but it doesn't give them the right to shove him into the middle of a busy street. I defend him and it gets worse for me and him afterwards.'

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