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yeah so I was bullied since around first class when I was 7 and it was mainly just teasing and like we were kids it was dealt with and just forgotten over time but when I got to third class (I was 9) it would be like name calling, teasing but in a more personal way and on a few occasions I had clumps of my hair pulled out and a boy in my class whacked me with a wooded chair. There was another boy who would tease me like when we went on a trip to a geese farm we had to bring wellington boots and he teased me for mine looking babyish. And then about a week after he was messing around with one of the teachers old toys from the 1920's on my table so I took it off him and put it back. But he just got it again but then when I took it off him it broke and I got the blame for it because no one told the truth about what happened except for me.

In fourth class I had settled down with a small group of nice girls in my class and they became my best friends. But the year after this new girl came along.Lets call her A (Not like pll) and one day A came on yard to me and my friends to hang out with me because her friends had gone to football practice at break. She seemed nice enough so I became her friend. The only problem was in doing that I was leaving out my friends. Not intentionally but I was caught up in my fascination of this new person from a different country that I didn't care too much.

About half way through the year another girl joined our school and her name is going to be R. I really liked R she is one of the coolest people I've ever met. And she became our friend too. So there were three of us and another girl that bullied everyone so we were fake friends with her so we didn't get bullied.

6th class was alright in term 1 but in term 2 after christmas I noticed A and R were getting distant. They would have me following them like a lost puppy, ignore me, pretend to listen to me. A got pretty nasty with me.I came to school really happy one day because i had played well in goal for soccer over the weekend an she said right to my face 'No one cares' and rolled her eyes at me.

I told a teacher and he 'tried' to sort things out but he didn't like any of us so he really couldn't be bothered. They were nice to me as to not make the teacher suspicious but then a week after it was back to the usual. I was talking to R because she she came to me one day and apologized to me. She basically said how sorry she was because she didn't know how bad it felt. She used to be one of the popular people in her old school so she never really got bullied much. But then she went on to say how it was happening to her too. And I was mad because it was bad enough to happen to one person but then they were doing to R as well. A realized though what she was doing though and how R was being friends with me again so she brought R back into the group again just so I would be alone.

After February I was really kind of depressed the whole time and I was only like 11 and it felt like the weight of the world was pressing down on my chest. I dreaded going to school each morning because I didn't know how I would handle everything. I actually felt sick walking into school. I would bring in books to read to avoid people.

Some of the boys came up to me one day in class and were saying why are you ignoring R she's really upset now. And I looked over to the bathroom and the two girl were crowding in the bathroom around R who was crying. I went over to see what was wrong and the minute A and the other girl turned around they pushed me away. They said things like,"Why would R want you here right now when you've been ignoring us all year?" I was so angry when I got home I got a kitchen knife.(Blunt blade) I I was bawling my eyes and out and I was drawing the knife over my wrist but I couldn't bring myself to do it and I never hated some one so much before.

Eventually one day I didn't want to be alone and I went back to my old friends. \they took me back in without blinking an eye. I was so grateful for them but I hated A even more for pushing me to leave my friends in the first place when she would say things like "They barely even talk you could do so much better" when really they were just quiet around her because she would never let anyone else talk.

In school A would do things like go up to me and squeeze my cheeks and go all oh look at my chubby cheeks because I definitely was not slim. It went on like this for the rest of the year. In class I hung around with the girls in the year below me because they were a lot nicer. I realized during class exercises like PE,drama and music when we were doing paired work if A said lets take a break it meant take a break from me and just ignore me. I realized what it meant after she said it about 3 times and when she asked if i was hanging out with her one day I said

"Nah I'm going to take a break"

When I went to secondary school those 3 girls went to a different school to me so I made new friends and I'm a lot happier now and I'm actually having fun. I've been talking with R and she's been telling me how because A is now bullying her because I'm not there to be bullied. R is my friend still though we'v made up and shes always mentioning how shes so sorry. I'm talking with my old friends again although they went to a different school but I see them on the bus ride.

A little advice for anyone in an abusive friendship/bf/romantic relationship just get out as soon as you can. Don't hang around to see if you can salvage it. That's what I did I regret wasting my tears over something so stupid. I know for a fact that A would not be bullying R right now id she would have gotten away sooner like I did but It never was as bad with her. Thanks for reading.

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