Story 444

312 12 1

When I was kindergarten, everything was fine until my so-called-friend framed me for tearing apart multiple books when I saw her actually doing it.

From that time, this FRIEND1 is now BULLY1. Everyone started to pick on me from the time she blamed me. The teacher didn't even CARE.

Phisically, mentally, emotionally. I always felt like an outcast among my school.


Many from my kindergarten times moved to grade1 together. The bullying just got worse. I got beaten up. I got framed. I got left out. I was being called names, like "(the b word)", "retarded (a****le)" and more.

I never told anybody. I couldn't trust them. I don't have any siblings that I can talk to.


I met this newbie, and she didn't talk much. I opened up to her, and that was a good idea. We jumped over serval bullying problems, but one day...

She betrayed me.

Bully1 teamed up with her.

They plotted in secret.

Newbie was pretending to be nice.

Fake rumors was spread about me.

They called me a suit, whore, piece of s**t, motherfker, psycho b word, book idiot.

They beated me up, framed me for play-ground accidents, and punched and kicked me when the teacher wasn't looking. My grade went down, down, down.


I lost my sanity.

I started cutting.

I cut my left wrist a lot.

I went mute, odd, non-emotional and short-tempered. Mostly of all.. Insane.

I wasn't the bold sarcastic mild-tempered one anymore. I was plunged into the turmoil of depression.

My mom found out, and she tried to stop me. But, I didn't. The bullying got worse.


A new teacher came in. The Gr.6 teacher quit. She was nice. I told her about the bullying.

She told it to the principal, and the principal talked to the bullies.

The bullies fake-cried, and I got in trouble instead of them.

They started spilling hateful words at me.

"I wish you vanished, slut!"

"I will dance on your grave when you die, psycho b word."

"No one cares even you died. Even God won't care about your f***ing life."

I cut more. I attempted to drown, but my mom forced me to stop. I went to the mental hospital because of my insanity and my psychopathic actions. I almost died.

They did dangerous things that could've killed me. Thanks to their scissors, I got scars on my neck. They pushed me off the stairs, threw pencil sharpeners at me, and worse, tried to drown me in the big swimming pool.

I got accused, beaten up and treated like.. sh1t.

It all changed when one student who was by standing stopped it. She was crying as she yelled at the bullies, and her voice was shaken with regret.

The bullies tried to get her, but her sarcastic level was too high for them to beat down, so they fled.

She apologized really hard to me, and she became my BEST FRIEND.

BEST FRIEND lowered my insanity little by little. My muted personality was gone. My oddness is gone.

The bullies got expelled from school.

I still have my insane personality, but I stopped cutting. BEST FRIEND is still my bff right now. I am Grade8 right now, and is looking forward to grade9 at the end of Summer break. BEST FRIEND continued to support me, so I also continued to support her. The scars on my wrist didn't vanish, and I hated myself whenever I saw the scars. However, when I met BEST FRIEND, I didn't hate it anymore. I learned to love myself and see that my life is not a low price to pay. She was bullied in her past, but she got over it. I am currently being extremely grateful to her for saving my life. I now understand the pain that people experienced when getting bullied.

Some of you may know me as Mirrorstar5014. ~Have faith, have hope. Don't give up even at the end.~

Q1. What type of bullying did you experience?

I experienced teasing, name calling, physical altercations, mental and emotional bully, and verbal bullying.

Q2. How old were you when the bullying started?

4 years old.

Q3. Who bullied you?

Classmates, so-called-friends and a friend that back stabbed me.

Q4. How did you feel while you were being bullied?

Worthless, lonely, insane, outcast, wanting to disappear from existence, hating yourself, closing your heart to everyone you don't know. I really hoped to die.

Q5. How did you feel after being bullied?

I was free, however I still have fears of being bullied again.

Q6. Have you told anyone you know that you were bullied?

My mom. No one else.

Q7. Why/ why not?

I only told my mom, because If I told other people I was afraid they will betray me, or join the bully group and try to cause more pain.

Q8. How long were you bullied for?

10 years.

Q9. Are you still being bullied?

I hope not, but yes. However, I have BEST FRIEND to support me, and we will leap over those obstacles that plunged us both into depression in the past.

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