To all the girls out there here's a short message for you.
Girls often read books and watch Romantic movies where the girl and guy will have a happy ending at the end of the film. But our life's not directed by some sort of director or written by movie writers. It us who write and do things that happens to us. Fate and destiny is just a plus point.
It is just quite weird that I find Romantic movies interesting, I've seen a lot, and I'll admit I cried while I was watching Titanic and A walk to remember. But I watched those movies alone. I find it a little bit embarrassing to watch it on our salas and shed a tear at some scenes that are just melancholic.
Us boys, have our soft side too. We are not just making it obvious. Because in our country or in our society, boys are not that emotional. But we are too. I remember when my first crush and the first girl I courted rejected me. I have to be tough at school. But when I got home I cried really hard and cried the pain away. She made me feel that she likes me too, but at the end of the day. She doesn't.
Us boys, also need time to be with our guy friends or bros. We do sports together. Play basketball, volleyball, football or any other sport together. If you girls do talk about your feelings almost all the time, we do talk about our feelings too, we talk about it rarely and sometimes we talk about it with beer. If you girls do shopping with your girlies, us boys, do that too. But we do it very seldom. Do not get mad at us when we can't answer your text or call especially when we said that we'll hang out with our friends. IT DOESN'T mean that we're mad or we are flirting with some other girls. Trust us, we don't. We know that we already have girlfriends and we love them so much. Don't get paranoid. If we can't answer your calls and texts we are just busy or we didn't hear the phone rang.
Please don't get mad at us when we can't reply to your ""good morning"" ""good night"" or whatever time of the day texts. We are just busy doing stuffs like our home works and studying cases. But it DOESN'T mean that we don't love you or what. We do. We really do.
If some of you are saying that ""gusto niyo lang naman sex eh"". No we don't. Some of us still do respect you girls. We understand if you don't want to do it.
We also know that some or maybe majority of you are fickle minded. You make decisions, then you change your mind instantly. We are doing our best to understand you.
We also do romantic stuffs like what you see on TV. We are trying our best to make you feel special. We hope that you'll accept us for what we are. And accept the things that we can and cannot do.
Lastly, if you're saying that all boys are the same. There are still a lot of guys here, like me. We are just waiting for the right girl and the right time to love. Take note. Nice guys that will love you and will make you feel special still do exists.
Your future boyfriendRepresentative of the good guys
College of Commerce and Business Administration

Kwentong Kolehiyo
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