Tonight I sit here on my bed, alone with a bottle of beer and a phone with tons of memories. I was rereading our previous conversations both in viber and on my messages, I’m struggling to find out what the hell went wrong. We were childhood best of friends. We live nearby each other. Our friends were friends. Apparently, our moms were best of friends too. We’re both 28. We’re both not expressing our commitment to each other. All I know is that, we both have each other because we feel like it. We’re always together. Our friends had grown tired of asking, “Kayo na ba?” everytime they see us holding hands, but we just smile and reply: “Not yet.” You fetch me on my Krav Maga classes. I tell you cranky stories about my day. I am telling you what happened to me at work, what my boss said, and you were laughing everytime – you were happy everytime, and the saddest thing is, I am too.
We had petty fights whenever you make stubborn decisions (which is — everytime) like selling your car for a smaller brand new one because you just feel like doing so. We fight because you were so stupid at times – but the saddest thing here is that, we were both happy. WE.WERE.BOTH.HAPPY.. and contented.
Not until you made this girl, a 17-year old girl! A mother of your first born. The sad thing is, you were so brave to tell me that you’ve become a father and a husband to a woman you barely knew and my goodness! She’s even younger than your youngest sister! I told you it’s okay not to marry her. I told you that your obligation is only to be a FATHER to the child. But you answered that it’s kind of selfish to do so.
I thought, you, getting married is the saddest news of all but apparently it’s not. The saddest thing is when I asked you, “Don’t you love me? Even a bit?” You answered:
“It’s too late.”AteGirl
College of Nursing

Kwentong Kolehiyo
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