I dated this guy for like 3 years. He broke up with me on my last year in college because 'he wanted me concentrate on my studies and we'll continue it after I graduate'. We continued talking, texting and sometimes see each other, but merely as friends and nothing more. No kiss, no hug, no holding hands. I was okay with it. I'm not an overly attached girlfriend who needs a boyfriend all the time. Romance is great, feeling giddy and happy with someone but I don't necessarily need it.
He then had another girl friend a few months after. I was again okay with it. We're not together and though it hurts I don't have a claim on him. I did hated him for a time, because why the hell reason we broke up for my studies? If you don't like me anymore, that reason is enough and no other BS.
I did understand him after a while. He's not like me who doesn't need someone close to love, he's someone who constantly need someone. But that isn't a nice excuse at all to make me believe that after I graduate we could still be together.
Just before I graduated, he got the girl pregnant. I laughed and said to myself, 'I'm glad I'm not that girl'.
Here I am 2 years after and he's bugging me. He's messaging me about him and the girl he got pregnant that they had all these problems, that the girl were too much like him that it's suffocating him. That they broke up and he'll never marry her. Telling me that it was me who understood him, who accepts all his faults and that he knows it was his fault that we didn't work out because the real reason why he called quits was because he wanted a girl who can go out and hangout with him all the time he wants and I was the girl who follows my parents restrictions and rather stay home that party all night at that time. He keeps on begging me to take him back.
I didn't. I do understand that he finally saw my worth but that isn't enough reason at all to take him back.But wouldn't you know, a month after he said he wants me back, I saw him and that girl together at the mall.
grin emoticon
I'm not bitter about you anymore, but I am thoroughly disgusted on how you tried to get me back when you are still very much together with the other girl. I'm glad I never took you back.
Just try and fix what ever relationship problems you have with the other girl and keep me out of it. Don't call me judgemental just because I don't want to take you back for the very reason that you easily replaced me before. Don't call me prideful just because I rather stay single and happy than be with you and have all these possible trust issues.
Being stupid once in believing that we could still be together before you had that kid with her was enough, but I'm not that stupid to take you back. I'm not a doormat for you to comeback anytime you want. I am not a spare girl who you reserved incase something wrong happens with the other.
A better woman
College of Fine Arts and Design

Kwentong Kolehiyo
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